Saturday 24 November 2012

Facebook Status update trick

          This is an amazing facebook trick which you would love to use. So the trick is to update your status with name of any app like Nasa, Iphone 5, HTC etc. Still confused just follow below instruction and clear your mind.

       1. First Login to your Facebook account.
       2. Copy below link into address bar as shown in the below picture.    api_key=XXXXXXXXX&target_id=YYYYYYYYYY

       3. In place on XXXX put api key given in below list and in place of YYYY putprofile id of
           person where you want to publish your message.
       4. Now you will be redirected to new screen as above enter your message and done.

      API KEY LIST  
  • Skynet (249284985083592)
  • iPhone (6628568379)
  • Blackberry (2254487659)
  • Palm (7081486362)
  • Sidekick (21810043296)
  • Sony Ericsson (38125372145)
  • Xbox LIVE (5747726667)
  • iPad (112930718741625)
  • Foursquare (86734274142)
  • Telegram (140881489259157)
  • Carrier Pigeon (130263630347328)
  • Morse Code (134929696530963)
  • Message in a Bottle (123903037653697)
  • Commodore 64 (138114659547999)
  • your moms computer (132386310127809)
  • TRS-80 (134998549862981)
  • K.I.T.T. (129904140378622)
  • Mind computer interface (121111184600360)
  • eyePhone (110455835670222)
  • toaster (203192803063920)
  • microwave (0a5266c8844a1b09211e7eb38242ac2f)
  • Super Nintendo Entertainment System (235703126457431)
  • Gameboy Color (180700501993189)
  • GoD (256591344357588)
  • Glade Air Freshner (4aeb4db2e8df1cdb7f952b2269afb560)
  • Strawberry (a4c9fb1708a848c2241674531176209b)
  • The moon (221826277855257)
  • Dr. Pepper (eea90d40e1d12565695dbbbdbd5e965b)
  • Nintendo wii (243870508973644)
  • Alcohol (250335888312118)
  • Cheese (218791271497130)
  • iPod Nano (142039005875499)
  • Nintendo 64 (236264753062118)
  • Microsoft Excel (242740155751069)
  • Linux ubuntu (220593361311050)
  • iPhone 5g (211333348912523)
  • My Bedroom (174811032586879)
  • Your Mums Bedroom (5f64bbc9ac2f12b983200925da461322)
  • Lamp (230755826955133)
  • Your moms anus (b625297b655f0b46c86b68f754b82121)
  • Refrigerstor (250828364944350)
  • A potato (127926427295267)
  • NASA Satellite (31d608d30292175bf7703149699ccb39)
  • Vibrator (eb4c6d1a60e19a7795da501e1f468035)
  • Sperm Whale (170318539700306)
  • Pogo Stick (185103391549701)
  • Banana Phone (1477a4cd29ec724a3de19be5d26e0389)
  • Google+ (4d8243dbb7064f88351fe6c809582320)
  • The Future (108372819220732)
  • Smoke Signal (134138923334682)
  • tin cans connected by string (242191299125647)
  • Pokedex (de3da265cf6976745bb1d60a8c198151)
  • Telepathy (ea01a57edb26cf1de143f09d45cfa913)
  • Typewriter (d3d554bf60297cb2c384e3d7cf5a066d)
  • Harry Potter (b8ebeb983f45eaa0bd5f4f66cad97654)
  • TARDIS (200439256674396)
  • Pip Boy (142806259133078)
  • Mind Control (1dc633368924b3b0b4d08e3f83230760)
  • Jedi Mind Control (240597869302110)
  • Telekinesis (224139600960217)
  • Post-It Note (115227201900831)
  • GLaDOS (246126362083515)
  • Ansible (185474028180003)
  • W.O.P.R (228373497202865)
  • Airwolf (123944137696757)
  • HMCS Belafonte (222345601140304)
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY (60280877509)      

Saturday 17 November 2012

How to Change The MAC Address of system

The MAC address uniquely identifies the network card within the current network segment. It consists of a vendor id that is unique among all network vendors, and a relative id that is unique to the vendor. The address is hard-coded onto the network adapter. But since most of the drivers were developed with the windows Driver Development kit, the MAC address is read from the Windows registry, when the card is initialized. Now when you are launching any hacking attempt your MAC address is registered at your ISP that your physical address has accessed the particular website and you can be easily identified as MAC address is always unique. So be expert Hacker, first remove all things that can be traced back and its the first step..

Steps to change Mac Address of PC

1. Note down the description and current MAC address of  the card you want to modify.

To do this, open a command prompt and type the following:

ipconfig /all

2. The description of the card is in the field "Description", whereas the MAC address can be found at the field "Physical address".

3. Start the registry editor by using regedit command in run(regedit under Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows 2003 server) and open the node


4. Find the node which contains the field Driver Description in the right pane that matches the description of the network adapter you want to change.

5. Now find the registry key "NetworkAddress" (without quotes). If not found create the new one and choose type String key..

6. Double click the entry "NetworkAddress" and enter the new network address. Note that the new network address should have exactly twelve digits..

7. Once you entered the new network address, the network adapter has to be restarted. To do this, open the control panel and then "Network and Dialup connections". Right click the network connection you have just modified, and then click disable. After the device has been disabled, right-click the connection again and click Enable.

8. Open a command prompt, and type ipconfig /all to check, whether the new MAC address has been changed. If the displayed physical address is still the same, your network card is probably incapable of changing this setting. 

9. That's all, enjoy your new spoofed mac address.

I hope you all like it.... If you have any queries ask me in form of comments...

Thursday 15 November 2012

How to Use a USB flash drive as extra RAM in Windows 7

Use a USB flash drive as extra RAM in Windows 7

You can use a spare USB drive as extra RAM in Windows 7.
The ReadyBoost feature was introduced to Windows with the release of Vista, and it has been retained in the latest version of Microsoft’s operating system, with some minor improvements. It enables you to use a plugged in USB stick as additional RAM memory that can be utilised by your PC – while not as fast as the actual RAM sticks installed inside your computer case, these flash drives operate much faster than the hard disk, which is where Windows usually stores extra data once the RAM has filled up.
When you plug in a USB drive into your PC you’ll be asked if you want to activate ReadyBoost. You can find the same setting by right-clicking on the drive in Windows Explorer, choosing Properties and opening up the ReadyBoost tab from the dialog that appears. If the device matches the compatible specifications (including an access time of 1ms or less) then Windows will begin to use it for temporary data storage.
The highest performance gains will be seen on systems where there isn’t a great deal of on-board RAM installed to begin with. Instead of repeatedly accessing the hard drive to cache data as it works, Windows will be able to use the speedier USB stick instead. In Windows 7, you can use up to 8 separate devices to provide a total of 256GB additional memory for your PC system.

Sunday 11 November 2012

How to Run Android ICS 4.0.3 on your PC

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Here is the Tirick:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

How to Run Android on your PC

Virtual Box
Android ICS 4.0.3 iso image
and Some amount of RAM and HDD..
Thats it...

Let’s Start …..

Download the latest version of Virtual Box(No need to Download if you already have it) from here

And install Virtual Box…

 Download the iso image of Android ICS 4.0.3 (I guess you would not have it…) from here

Now, Once you have got all these files Downloaded go ahead and extract Android iso Image on your desktop….

Now open up Virtual Box which we installed earlier …

Once you got the program Running Click on New>next...

Then Name your Virtual Machine “Android”…You can name it whatever you want..

In OS type select Operating System as linux and Version as Other Linux and Click on Next..

Now you have got to Specify the Amount of RAM to be used by our Android… you can Specify 1024 as well as 512 of RAM according to the RAM available

Then click on Next >next>next>next now You hav got Specify amount of HDD space for Android…
8 GB is Ideal…

Then click on next>create>create … You just created your Android Virtual Machine…

Now We have to install it on our HDD..

For That Click on ‘Start’ option Available next to Settings.

Click on Next.

Now it will ask you for the media source there just navigate to the android iso Image we extracted in the beginning ..(On our Desktop)

Hit on Open>next>start...

Then From the window just opened… Choose installation>Create/modify partitions
Then choose New [Enter] >>> Primary [Enter] hit Enter again
Then choose Write [enter], type in yes  and hit enter… then select quit [enter]

Then From the Choose Partition menu select ‘sda1 Linux’ and hit enter then select ‘ext3’ [enter] > select yes [enter] ….From ‘Confirm’ windows select yes [enter]> from ‘Question’ window navigate to yes and hit Enter

Then choose create fake sd card and hit enter(2047 MB is ideal u can reduce it as well)> click on reboot[enter]

Now what you have got to do is select ‘Host Drive PLDS DVD+RW DS-BASSH(sro)’ from Devices>CD/DVD devices

Now Power off the machine and again Hit on ‘Start’ again(restart the Virtual Machine) … then select Android-×86 2012-01-30[ENTER]

 That’s it now Android is installed in your PC…and You can Start using it…


Now if you wish to use Internet connection in your Android you can Navigate to Settings>ethernet configuration then click on ethernet configuration and select ‘eth0’ from Ethernet Devices..nd start using
internet in your Android ICS 4.0.3 on your PC…

isn't it awesome????

Give your Valuable Comments...

Wednesday 7 November 2012

How do I restore the Recycle Bin to the Desktop in Windows XP?

For many users, the Recycle Bin typically found on the Microsoft Windows Desktop is an important facet of the graphical-user interface and the overall operating system experience. However, under certain conditions, which we will not go into here, the Recycle Bin has been known to disappear from the Windows Desktop. This quirky behavior is no big deal for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users because the fix is just a few clicks away under Desktop Properties.
However, for Windows XP users there is no simple way to add back the Recycle Bin to the Desktop. They have to resort to a Windows Registry file edit. In this How Do I blog post, you will find out what to edit to restore the Recycle Bin icon to the Windows Desktop.
Note: The Windows Registry is a vital component of the operating system. A corrupted Windows Registry could result in a PC that will not boot to Windows. Back up the Windows Registry before you do any edits.
Start regedit
To start the Registry Editor in Windows XP, type regedit into the Run dialog box, as shown in Figure A.

Figure A

Type regedit in the Run box.
Click OK and you’ll open the Registry Editor, as shown in Figure B.

Figure B

Open the Registry Editor.
Inside the Registry Editor you will navigate to this entry, as shown in Figure C:

Figure C

Navigate to this entry.
Right-click on the NameSpace registry key, as shown in Figure D,  and then navigate to New | Key.

Figure D

Right-click to create a new key.
Type the following string in the new key (copy and paste it would be your best bet):
You should now have a new registry key, like the one shown in Figure E.

Figure E

The new key is created.
In the right-hand pane, double-click the Default entry to reveal a dialog box like the one shown inFigure F.

Figure F

This is the default value.
Change the text in the Value Data box to read Recycle Bin and click OK. You should now have a key with an entry similar to the one shown in Figure G.

Figure G

A new key and default entry have been created.
Close the editor and, for the sake of making sure your registry edits were successful, reboot your PC to restart the operating system. When the Windows Desktop reloads, you should have an active Recycle Bin.

Thank you for reading... Plz like or Comment below..

Monday 5 November 2012

How to Get your CD ROM back

If  ur cd drive is not shown in my computer then don't worry follow these step:

1) Close all open programs 
2) Click on Start, Run, and type REGEDIT and press Enter
3) Click on the plus signs (+) next to the following folders

• CurrentControlSet 
• Control 
• Class 
• {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} 

4) This folder is the DVD/CD-ROM Drive Class Description in the registry. Look for any of the following names in the right hand column.

• UpperFilters 
• LowerFilters 
• UpperFilters.bak 
• LowerFilters.bak 

5) If any of the above keys shown in step 4 are listed, right-click on them and choose Delete

6) After deleting the keys, close the Registry Editor

7) Reboot your computer

8) Open My Computer and check to see if your CD or DVD drives have returned. 
You may also want to open Device Manager and verify that the yellow exclamation and error code on the CD or DVD drive is gone..

plz comment below if you are facing any problem..

Tuesday 10 July 2012

How to Change the Logon Screen in Windows 7

How to Change the Logon Screen in Windows 7

Screensavers, desktop wallpapers or font type and sizes, visual customization at the OS level is usually important to all kinds of users. Recognizing this, Microsoft has made it easier than ever to apply and adjust individual themes with Windows 7. 

Today I am going to show you how to customize the Windows 7 logon screen. There are various methods to accomplish this, with and without third-party software. I understand many people might not want to rely on a third-party application, while others would appreciate a quicker, safer route. First up is the more hands-on approach, and then the utility.
Hands-on approach
This method will require you to modify the registry, and if that puts a knot in your stomach, you should move on to the next section.
Step 1: Open the Windows Start menu and enter regedit into the search bar.
Step 2: Right click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and select Find.
Step 3: Search for OEMBackground, which should be in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\Background. If the key does not exist, add a new DWORD value with the name OEMBackground.
Step 4: Double click on the entry OEMBackground, and change the value from 0 to 1.

Step 5: Open Windows Explorer and go to the following path: %windir%\system32\oobe.
Step 6: Create a new folder named info, and open it.
Step 7: Create a new folder within info named backgrounds.
Step 8: Rename your desired wallpaper as backgroundDefault.jpg and place it inside the folder backgrounds (images must be less than 245KB in size).

That should do the trick, now just lock your PC, log off or reboot and enjoy.
Third-party software
If you are uncomfortable with manually tinkering with the registry -- or simply have better things to be doing with your time -- we understand. Various third-party applications can change Windows 7's default logon wallpaper, but my personal favorite is this one, click here to download.
The software is ridiculously easy to use, doesn't require installation, and it even has built-in tools to automatically resize and recompress your images while leaving the original file untouched. The Logon Changer also lets you quickly change your logon wallpaper back to the Windows 7 default.

Download the Program and then unzip the executable. Run the program and it should present you with a preview of your logon screen along with a few self-explanatory options: "Change Logon Screen" lets you browse to a new image, "Test" will bring up your logon screen, "Revert to Default Logon Screen" reapplies Windows 7's original wallpaper.

That's it.....

Like...Share ... Comment....

Sunday 10 June 2012

Hack facebook account and Gmail account using Backtrack 5

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to hack facebook account using backtrack 5. So just follow the simple steps. 
Open your backtrack 5’s terminal and type cd /pentest/exploits/set 
Backtrack5 1
Now Open social Engineering Tool kit (SET) ./set 
backtrack5 2
Just hit ENTER and SET will Open , Now just select 1st option (1 Social-Engineering Attacks) and hit enter after that 2nd number (just type 2 as shown in snapshot)
backtrack5 3
Now Just select 4th Option “Tabnabbing Attack Method” and Hit ENTER
backtrack5 4
Then select 2nd option “Site Cloner” and Hit ENTER
backtrack5 5
Now here you need to add the URL of Facebook (if you want to hack gmail then just add the gmail’s URL)
backtrtack5 6
Now just hit the enter.
backtrack5 6
Open new terminal and just type ifconfig and hit ENTER
backtrack5 9
Now just copy this IP address and open it in Browser.
backtrack5 7
Now here I am just typing test email and password to see whether it works or not.
backtrack5 8
Now just hit enter and switch back to our terminal and we found the Email and password !
backtrack5 10
This tutorial is for educational purpose only.

How to run BackTrack 5 in Windows Virtual PC in Windows 7

Got Backtrack 5? know how to use it on Windows Virtual PC in WIndows 7 ?

Got Windows 7 and prefer using Windows Virtual PC over Virtual Box or VMWare then you are in the right place.

Downloads Required.

  1. Windows Virtual PC [validation required - if you do not have genuine windows download virtual PC hereor make your windows genuine ! for free]
  2. Backtrack  5 ISO -Gnome or KDE but NOT ARM 

How to run BackTrack 5 in WIndows Virtual PC , after configuring correctly!

After installing , Windows Virtual PC and enabling Hardware Virtualisation , you are set up to run BackTrack 5.

  1. Start > Windows Virtual PC > Windows Virtual PC
Now click Create Virtual Machine

BAckTrack+5+Windows+Virtual+PCGive a name like BackTrack 5 and click next.

Now specify the amount of RAM , remember NEVER give more than 50 % of your RAM to a VM !

Check the enable computer network connections and click next .

Now create a dynamically expanding virtual hard disk .

Now you will see a .vmcx file , right click it and go to settings.

Go to the Networking tab and in Network Adapter #1 Select Shared Networking (NAT) or else networking will NOT work!

Now go to DVD drive tab there select open an ISO image and select the location where the backtrack 5 iso is present!

Now Click OK and double click the .vmcx file and backtrack will run!

Saturday 21 April 2012

How to get your own Rapidshare Premium Account

Hello Friends,
Everybody wants a personal Rapidshare Premium account but not all can afford it. If you are one of those people who can’t afford it or don’t want to ask your parent to buy you one then there are only 2 ways of getting a Rapidshare premium account. First one is to hack a Rapidshare premium account of some other user. Hacking a Rapidshare premium account isn’t that difficult. But Rapidshare guys are very smart. They provide users with a feature of security lock due to which you will need access to the unlock code for that account to change the password of that Rapidshare account. Thus you can only use that hacked account till the owner of that account changes the password. This one seems to be a temporary solution. Second way is to earn some easy bucks online and buy your own Rapidshare account. The second way may seem difficult at first but to tell you the truth its very easy.
Today I will show how you can earn money online and that too without much difficulty. Just follow the steps given below:
1. Create a Paypal Premium Account( Don’t Worry its free) . When asked for credit card details simply say cancel. You do not need to fill it.
2. Then click on the link below:
3. On joining this website, you will get 27 USD just for writing 7 simple surveys which will take not more than 30 minutes.
4. Now the only problem is that the minimum payout limit for this website is 75 USD. But you can earn 1.25 USD on referring this website to your friend.
5. So you just take the referral link from this website and paste it on your facebook status. Don’t forget to mention about it benefits so that your friends register through that link.
6. Suppose you have 500 friends on facebook and out of them only 10% register through your link then also you earn 62.5 USD which gets added to 27 USD that you had earned from surveys. Thus the total 89.5 USD crosses the Payout limit.
7. Now you can get that money into your Paypal Account use it not only to buy your own Rapidshare premium account but also for buying other stuff online.
8. That’s it. So Simple and I swear it works.
Update: Some people have a compliant that Awsurveys doesn’t pay them what they have earned and that it is a SPAM. I would like to tell you that I have already used this website earlier and I had received the payment every time. I am not saying that these guys are lying about their experience with Awsurveys but there are few reasons why they may not have received the payment. The only problem with this website is that it doesn’t communicate with the user if he is violating any terms and conditions instead of that it just cancels their payments. When you request some payout from this website, they have a policy to verify if the accounts that were referred by the user are not fraudulent and they remove the amount gained from these fraudulent accounts from the total amount in your account. Sometimes the reduced amount is less than the amount redeemed by the user and their harsh policy is to cancel the whole payment without even reimbursing the remaining amount. Now you might be thinking how to avoid this? One advice i would give you is to keep atleast 20-25 USD in excess when you are redeeming the amount. In this way you are making sure that even if there were 15 accounts which the website found to be fraudulent still the total wont get below the amount requested by you. Another condition is  of the maximum amount that one can redeem in a year. A user can redeem at max 550 USD in one year if you request for payout more than that then hey will just cancel that payment without reimbursing the money in your account. I already faced the latter one which indicates that I have atleast earned upto 550 USD.