Sunday 11 November 2012

How to Run Android ICS 4.0.3 on your PC

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Here is the Tirick:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

How to Run Android on your PC

Virtual Box
Android ICS 4.0.3 iso image
and Some amount of RAM and HDD..
Thats it...

Let’s Start …..

Download the latest version of Virtual Box(No need to Download if you already have it) from here

And install Virtual Box…

 Download the iso image of Android ICS 4.0.3 (I guess you would not have it…) from here

Now, Once you have got all these files Downloaded go ahead and extract Android iso Image on your desktop….

Now open up Virtual Box which we installed earlier …

Once you got the program Running Click on New>next...

Then Name your Virtual Machine “Android”…You can name it whatever you want..

In OS type select Operating System as linux and Version as Other Linux and Click on Next..

Now you have got to Specify the Amount of RAM to be used by our Android… you can Specify 1024 as well as 512 of RAM according to the RAM available

Then click on Next >next>next>next now You hav got Specify amount of HDD space for Android…
8 GB is Ideal…

Then click on next>create>create … You just created your Android Virtual Machine…

Now We have to install it on our HDD..

For That Click on ‘Start’ option Available next to Settings.

Click on Next.

Now it will ask you for the media source there just navigate to the android iso Image we extracted in the beginning ..(On our Desktop)

Hit on Open>next>start...

Then From the window just opened… Choose installation>Create/modify partitions
Then choose New [Enter] >>> Primary [Enter] hit Enter again
Then choose Write [enter], type in yes  and hit enter… then select quit [enter]

Then From the Choose Partition menu select ‘sda1 Linux’ and hit enter then select ‘ext3’ [enter] > select yes [enter] ….From ‘Confirm’ windows select yes [enter]> from ‘Question’ window navigate to yes and hit Enter

Then choose create fake sd card and hit enter(2047 MB is ideal u can reduce it as well)> click on reboot[enter]

Now what you have got to do is select ‘Host Drive PLDS DVD+RW DS-BASSH(sro)’ from Devices>CD/DVD devices

Now Power off the machine and again Hit on ‘Start’ again(restart the Virtual Machine) … then select Android-×86 2012-01-30[ENTER]

 That’s it now Android is installed in your PC…and You can Start using it…


Now if you wish to use Internet connection in your Android you can Navigate to Settings>ethernet configuration then click on ethernet configuration and select ‘eth0’ from Ethernet Devices..nd start using
internet in your Android ICS 4.0.3 on your PC…

isn't it awesome????

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