Friday 13 April 2012

Hack Admin password in windows

Change Administrator password without knowing current password/ Become Administrator of any computer.

Yeah! you heard it right...

Most of us want to change password of windows pc without knowing the current one,

If you are one of them...

This is for you...

so today I am going to tell you the step by step procedure:-

First open command prompt:
(Goto Run type cmd.exe and hit enter)

If it is blocked...

Goto notepad:-
Type "" without quote and save it as "cmd.bat".

Now go and click on cmd.bat, your CMD is on now...

Ok now we are ready to get started..

Step 1:-
First create a new User without taking permission :-)

open CMD (command prompt) and type:

"Net user (username) (password) /add" (without quotes)

now you have created a new user....

Step 2:-

Now you have to become Administrator

for that goto CMD and type:

"net localgroup administrators (username You have created in previous step) /add" (without quotes)..

now you are the administrator of the computer

Here You go...

Step 3:-

Now again goto CMD:

"net user (Admin's username, you want to change the password of) *" (without quotes)

Now It should ask to Enter the password, just enter the password and conform it...

Now if you get " The command completed successfully "

Hurray!!! You are successfully done.....

Plz comment below if you have any problem...

If it works Like

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